
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

(photo credit: Partha Roy via

Oh, hey! Long time, eh?

Another year coming to a close and I thought you guys deserve to learn my current situation and status of the stuff I contribute to the Sims Community.

Looking back over the past year, the main reason I was trying to rush all the world fixes last year around this same time period was I had a pretty good idea 2014 was going to be a “caretaking” year for me. And, maybe it turns out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it happened.

For the earlier part of the year, I was still commuting back and forth to help my Aunt with her doctor appointments, treatments, and so on. I was still fairly online some of the time to help out at the MTS forums and be more present online, reading Sims blogs and news. Albeit still a lot less than what I used to spend online compared to 2011-2013.

And then we learned that the breast cancer metastasized and it has now spread to her lungs, brain, liver and bones. I’ve now moved in to her home to be her permanent caregiver. So I no longer have access to my gaming desktop and all the resources. And have no motivation to even think about Sims and games, let alone do stuff for the game.

I apologize for the delays and the consequent hiatus of the fixes. I cannot even promise if I’d get back to them as I totally have no idea at this time. Good news is that I recently bought a MacBook Air, so I can at least get online now.

If you guys do think of me, do send prayers, good wishes and thoughts for my family. Thanks, you guys.

From me to you and yours, have a Merry Christmas for those who do celebrate, Happy Holidays for those who don’t; and a very very Happy, Prosperous, Safe and Joyful year ahead.

Take care, everyone.

4 replies on “Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!”

Thankyou for all the contributions you have made to the Sims community over the years, and I wish you all the best.
I hope that you are able to treasure your time with your aunt, and that the coming year is a better one than 2014.

Hello! I’ve been downloading your fixed worlds and I just wanted to say how grateful I am for your work! It has totally transformed TS3 for me. I used to despise this game so much because I wanted to play it, but the world lag was so unbearable. Your fixed worlds have made this game playable for me again. Please, keep up the fantastic work!!

I also wanted to send you a separate message expressing my condolences for your hardships within your family. I understand that is isn’t easy taking care of a family member who is very ill – I did this for both my grandmothers before they passed away. I’m sending positive thoughts and my best wishes your way.

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